Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Director Power & Energy Group
Universidad de los Andes
Electrical Engineer (1997), Universidad Nacional, Colombia
M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (1999), Los Andes University
Ph. D in Engineering (2008), Los Andes University, Colombia
Research interests: Power Quality, Power System Analysis, Power Electronics
Research coordinates:
ORCID ScopusID/Publons CVLAC Gscholar ResearchGate Academia Linkedin
Publications 2018-2021
International Journals
. Dimas, C., Ramos, G., Caro, L., & Luna, A. C. (2020). Parallel Computing and Multicore Platform to Assess Electric Vehicle Hosting Capacity. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 56(5), 4709-4717.
. Perez, M. C. R., & Ramos, G., (2020). Appropriate Implementation of the Main Bonding Jumper and the Equipment Grounding Conductor: A Deeper Look Into a Suitable Ground Path. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, 26(5), 26-32.
. Gutierrez, E. S. T., Sriramula, S., Rodriguez, D. F. C., Ramos, G., (2020). Reliability Model and Sensitivity Analysis for Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
. Torres, E. S., Celeita, D., Sriramula, S., & Ramos, G., (2020). Safety Integrity Level verification model for IED protection schemes. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
. Camarillo-Peñaranda, J. R., Celeita, D., Gutierrez, M., Toro, M., & Ramos, G. (2020). An Approach for Out-of-Step Protection Based on Swing Center Voltage Estimation and Analytic Geometry Parameters. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 56(3), 2402-2408.
. Holguin, J. P., Rodriguez, D. C., & Ramos, G. (2020). Reverse power flow (RPF) detection and impact on protection coordination of distribution systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 56(3), 2393-2401.
. Gutierrez, G., Celeita, D., & Ramos, G. (2019). Ground-directional solution to improve selectivity in underground mining power systems protection. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 80, 106491.
. Torres, E. S., Sriramula, S., Celeita, D., & Ramos, G. (2019). Model for Assessing the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Safety-Related Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Celeita, D., Meliopoulos, A. S., Ramos, G., & Romero, L. (2019). Dynamic state estimation for double-end traveling wave arrival identification in transmission lines. Electric Power Systems Research, 170, 138-149.
. Celeita, D., Gutierrez, M., Toro, M., & Ramos, G. (2019). Out-of-step protection modeling for virtual playback testing applied to industrial generators. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55(3), 2472-2480
. De Oliveira-De Jesus, P. M., M., Ríos, M. A., & Ramos, G. (2018). Energy Loss Allocation in Smart Distribution Systems with Electric Vehicle Integration. Energies, 11(8), 1962. [Full-Text]
. Espín-Delgado, Á., Camarillo-Peñaranda, J. R., & Ramos, G. (2018). Characterization of phase-angle jump in radial systems using incremental voltage phasors. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55(2), 1117-1125. [Presentation]
. Celeita, D., Ramos, G., & Meliopoulos, A. S. (2018). Transmission line protective relay based on recursive least-square filters and weights analysis. International Review on Modelling and Simulations, 11(5), 277-287
. Celeita, D., Perez, J. D., & Ramos, G. (2018). Assessment of a decaying dc offset detector on cts measurements applying mathematical morphology. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55(1), 248-255.
. Camarillo-Peñaranda, J. R., & Ramos, G. (2018). Characterization of voltage sags due to faults in radial systems using three-phase voltage ellipse parameters. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 54(3), 2032-2040
Proceedings in International conferences
. De Oliveira-De Jesus, P. M., E. Sorrentino, J. S. Abello, O. Archilla, C. A. Alza, D. Celeita, G. A. Ramos, A. J. Urdaneta. (2020, October), Optimal coordination of directional earth fault overcurrent relays 67N in interconnected electric power systems. In 2020 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting) (Vol. 1, pp. 1-8)
[MP4 (10 min)]
. L. Caro, Ramos, G., D. Montenegro, D. Celeita (2020, October), Variable Harmonic Distortion in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. In 2020 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting) (Vol. 1, pp. 1-8)
. Camarillo-Peñaranda, J. R., Aredes, M., & Ramos, G. (2020, June). Hardware-in-the-loop Testing of Virtual Distance Protection Relay. In 2020 IEEE/IAS 56th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I&CPS) (pp. 1-6).
. Trujillo, C., Zambrano, C., Celeita, D., Hernandez, M., Ramos, G., Perez, J. D., ... & Cardenas, C. (2020, June). An advanced laboratory for research and training of smart grid control and protection schemes. In 2020 IEEE/IAS 56th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I&CPS) (pp. 1-7).
. Camarillo-Peñaranda, J. R., Celeita, D., Gutierrez, M., Toro, M., & Ramos, G. (2019, October). A novel approach for out-of-step protection based on Clarke's transformation and analytic geometry parameters. In 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (pp. 1-6).
. Ramos, G., Celeita, D., & Quintero, T. (2019, September). Reverse Power Flow Analyzer (RPFA): A tool to assess the impact of PVs in distribution systems. In 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (pp. 1-6).
. Trujillo, M. D., Mendez, S., Ramos, G., Camarillo-Peñaranda, J., & Jurado, E. (2019, May). Real-time Simulation of Synchronverter Connected to the Main Grid. In 2019 IEEE Workshop on Power Electronics and Power Quality Applications (PEPQA) (pp. 1-7).
. Celeita, D., Clavijo, D., & Ramos, G. (2019, May). PMU and PDC server implementation integrated to real-time simulation tools. In 2019 IEEE Workshop on Power Electronics and Power Quality Applications (PEPQA) (pp. 1-7).
. Bohórquez, J. P., & Ramos, G. (2019). One-Ended Fault Location Method Based on Machine Learning Models. In 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (pp. 1-5).
. Celeita, D., Flores, A., Ramos, G., & Pohl, M. (2018, November). Design of virtual distance protection for offline transmission line relay testing. In 2018 IEEE 38th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVIII) (pp. 1-6).
. Torres, E. S., Celeita, D., & Ramos, G. (2018, October). State of the art of Human Factors Analysis Applied to Industrial and Commercial Power Systems. In 2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES) (pp. 33-38).
. Pérez, M. C. R., & Ramos, G. (2018, September). Impact of the Main Bonding Jumper and the Equipment Grounding Conductor on Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters. In 2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS) (pp. 1-5).
. Celeita, D., Gutierrez, M., Toro, M., & Ramos, G. (2018, September). Out-of-step protection modeling for playback testing applied to industrial generators. In 2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS) (pp. 1-6).
. Camarillo-Pefiaranda, J. R., & Ramos, G. (2018, September). Effect of phase-angle jump in Impedance-based Fault Location Methods for Transmission and Distribution Systems. In 2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS) (pp. 1-5). [Full-Text]
. Celeita, D., Perez, J. D., & Ramos, G.. (2018, May). Decaying dc offset detection on cts measurements applying mathematical morphology. In 2018 IEEE/IAS 54th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I&CPS) (pp. 1-6).
. Camarillo-Penaranda, J. R., & Ramos, G. (2018, May). Fault classification and voltage sag parameters computation using voltage ellipses. In 2018 IEEE/IAS 54th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I&CPS) (pp. 1-6). [Full-Text]
List of publications prior to 2018 here