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Analysis and advanced simulation of power systems


This research line aims to study electrical power systems by formulating advanced methodologies to optimize its performance in real-time and long-term scope.

The PowER Group has focused on the development of methodologies for analyzing and simulating the vulnerability of the system subject to sudden events; dealing with the study of the ability or ability of a power system to respond or react appropriately to unexpected disturbances. The adequate response of the system implies the control of the effect of the faults avoiding a catastrophic blackout.

The PowER Group develops advanced computing techniques for the analysis and simulation of power electrical systems. Thus, modern computer and computational intelligence or "soft" computing techniques and their application (modeling and simulation) to the different problems of control, operation, design and use of electricity in the different generation, transmission and distribution businesses are studied and marketing.

The achievements are reflected in the obtaining of "soft" computing methods and advanced computing techniques applied to the problems of electrical systems; in the approach and problem solving of large systems with new computing techniques that allow a better approach to the problems, involving more and more the uncertainty of the variables and obtaining support methods for decision making in these systems and their businesses associates


Modernization of electrical systems


Power electric systems are undergoing an important transformation associated with the use of new energy sources, new technologies for electric power management, consideration of environmental restrictions and challenges.

The PowER Group has focused its efforts towards the study of the modernization and definition of the new generation of electrical systems, oriented towards smart grid applications, advanced automation of distribution systems, use of non-conventional renewable energies, and power electronics applications.

The Power and Energy Group contributes to the general line of "Smart Grids", in the investigation of the following topics:

  • Control, automation and operation of power systems
  • Safety of power systems
  • Study and development in the use of new technologies
  • Energy production and storage (storage) technologies
  • Advanced measurement and demand response
  • Development of urban and rural micro-networks (in association with the control and communications groups of the department and with the support of the statistical analysis and big data groups).

The evolution of semiconductor devices with greater power conduction capacity and controllability in high frequencies has allowed to offer efficient and practical solutions applicable in transmission systems as well as distribution systems and end users. Nowadays, power electronics systems are used in FACTS (Flexible Transmission Systems), HVDC (DC Transmission Systems), CPS (Customized Solutions for the User- "Custom Power"), converters for connection of power sources unconventional and industrial applications both for the control of power flows as well as for power quality phenomena and in process control.


Policy and Energy Regulation


In the policy and energy field, the PowER group has developed the following areas:

  • Energy and electric planning and modeling,
  • Evaluation of the impact of new sources and technologies, such as renewables and the efficient use of energy in the baskets of energy and greenhouse gas emissions resulting from energy activity and,
  • Energy regulation and the design of mechanisms for an expansion and efficient operation of these industries.
  • Energy policy, regulation and markets. Energy security Energy models - environment - economy for the allocation of resources. Optimal energetic and electric baskets. New fuels in the final consumption sectors.
  •  Structure and organization of the industry and electric market according to the new technological developments and selection by consumers.
  • Investment and operation of unconventional sources of energy, accumulation and electric transport. Integration and economic dispatch of new sources of energy. New business schemes and transactional platforms in the electricity industry.
  • Environmental impacts of the processes of transformation and use of energy. 

Research involves economical and technical aspects in the scope of institutional reforms of public services and the energy sector, which occurred after the promulgation of Laws 142 and 143 of 1994 as well as new challenges of integration of cleaner energy sources at a central and distributed level. Different methodologies and tools designed to evaluate energy policy options have been used, such as the MARKAL model family (MARKET Allocation) and the LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system). The group has participated in the identification of mitigation options for Greenhouse Gases and in the definition of the national mitigation commitments presented at COP 21 in Paris (2014).